Hello there! I know you have been waiting to read about the latest TaSciEn endeavors, as it has been soooooo long since our last post. Well, wait no longer, as your favorite self-proclaimed Editor-In-Chief of the most trustworthy self-proclaimed TaSciEn news source "What's Poppin' in TaSciEn" is at it again!
On the 14th of February, even mighty teekkaris, hardened by Jallu and tempered in the ice-cold water of frozen Finnish ice lakes as they are, might remember the deep feelings of gratitude and appreciation they may have for their closest friends and partners in crime, or the joys of their first love. To celebrate the day that commemorates the friendships and love all over the world, TaSciEn has organized a cookie-decorating event for its members and their friends alike. Our fellow participants have yet again demonstrated their artistic vision and cooking skill, as the cookies that they decorated could as well be placed in a museum of modern art. Unfortunately, even though we have tried to preserve the cookies for the Louvre, somehow only their photos survived. The unbiased author of this article notes that his cookie with "TaSciEn" written on it was especially skillfully done and that his mom was really proud of his achievement. After sharing the love (in cookie form) with the participants of the event, we have decided to share our love with all those who unfortunately did not manage to come. With the power of friendship, our awesome attendees wrote fourteen Valentine's day cards to all the guilds and a couple of clubs. The cards were so masterfully and passionately written that after reading them out loud, the moisture levels in the room rose by around 76%. That evening, love was truly in the air. P.S. Unfortunately, TaSciEn is still waiting for the guilds' and clubs' response cards. Pls respond. P.P.S. Huge shoutout to Tạ Hải for amazing photos! Yours truly, Editor-In-Chief of "What's Poppin' in TaSciEn" |
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Photo from eksrx