As mentioned in the summons to our general meeting, we will decide on an official logo and colour of TaSciEn next week. So if you feel like showing your creative core or just get inspired, you can start designing right now! Just bring your designs to the meeting or send them to Karin ([email protected]) so we can choose under which logo we will write history :)
Also the chairperson and board members for 2019 will be chosen, so if you want to be one of them, please send Karin ([email protected]) a picture of you and a short description about yourself, why you want to be the chairperson/in the board at latest on Tuesday 13.11. at 23:59. We will send all of the descriptions of possible future board members on Wednesday, so that you have some time to think about whom to vote for. So start designing, write your applications and see you next Thursday! SUMMONS TO GENERAL MEETING
Tampere Science and Engineering Students’ association ry Korkeakoulunkatu 3, 33720 Tampere GENERAL MEETING OF TASCIEN Time: 15.11.2018 at 16.15 - ___ Place: SA203, TUT AGENDA
If you have any questions according to the general meeting, don’t hesitate to contact us via email or telegram. |
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